Orbiting Solar Observatory-7

Solar X-ray Experiment
Soft X-ray Detector | Hard X-ray Detector | Particle Detectors | Electronics | Performance
The 2.54 cm diameter soft x-ray proportional counter contains one atmosphere of Xe/CO2 and has a 115 mg/cm2 beryllium entrance window. An aluminum collimator defined the field of view and reduced the effective area to 0.32 cm2. The output pulses were pulse height analyzed into seven linear channels of ~1.5 keV width, plus one channel covering 10-14.6 keV. The detector gain was monitored with the 5.9 keV x-rays associated with an 55Fe source in the aperture, and the gain could be adjusted by altering the detector high voltage by command. The quiet sun counting rate dominated the calibration source rate, so calibration data was taken during satellite night.
OSO-7 Information
Mission Objectives
Cosmic X--ray Experiment
Solar X--ray Experiment