New Website!
June, 2010
We finally have a new website! The High Energy Astrophysics group, also known as the X-ray and Gamma-Ray Astronomy group, is part of the Center for Astrophysics and Space Sciences (CASS) at the University of California, San Diego in La Jolla, California.
The goal of the group is to investigate the origin, structure, and evolution of the Universe and objects within it through observations made in the X-ray and Gamma-ray wavelengths from high altitude balloons and orbiting spacecraft.
A major thrust in support of this goal is the continued advancement of state-of-the-art X-ray and Gamma-ray detectors through laboratory development and performance verification at balloon altitudes...

Magnet Collaboration
July, 2010
The Magnet collaboration is a collection of astrophysicists from around the world interested in the effects of matter accreting onto the magnetic poles of highly magnetized neutron stars with teraGauss magnetic fields. The collaboration began with scientists from UCSD and the Astronomisches Institut of Tuebingen working to understand cyclotron resonance scattering of X-rays by electrons trapped in the strong magnetic field near the poles. The scattering resulted in a loss of X-rays at a specific energy which was a measure of the magnetic field strength. Thus, one could determine the magnetic field of a neutron star by looking at the high energy spectrum. The collaboration now includes scientists from the US, Europe, and Japan, and the goal of investigations has expanded to include understanding the full range of the X-ray spectrum.