The Curiosity rover in the testbed at JPL.

In addition to my duties as a research scientist at UCSD, I am also a Mission Operations Specialist at Malin Space Science Systems (MSSS). MSSS built four cameras for the Mars Science Laboratory: Curiosity Rover: the descent camera (MARDI), a hand lens imager out on the turret of the arm (MAHLI), and two cameras mounted on the mast (MASTCAM). As part of my job at MSSS I monitor the health of the cameras, process the images, and uplink commands to the cameras. Currently I am the Mastcam lead within the Ops Group at MSSS.



Mars Curiosity Rover in a billion pixels.

Mars Science Laboratory: Curiosity Rover

A composite image from Mars obtained by the rover Curiosity. Click here to see all billion pixels!

Recent Posts

Mar 20, 2015: See all of the details you could ever want to know about the mission at the MSL Curiosity Analyst's Notebook. The creation of an account is required.

Older Posts

Apr 28, 2014: The New York Times has a great interactive tool which explores Curiosity's time on Mars.

Aug 5, 2013: One year on Mars! See what one year on Mars looks like in two minutes!