Spex Prism Data for M Dwarf Optical Standards

6 spectra for 6 sources

Low quality data are indicated in red
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Object Name 2MASS Designation Optical SpT NIR SpT 2MASS J Obs Date Resolution Data Plot Reference
LP 508-14
M4 V

2003 May 21 120 [ascii] [jpeg] Burgasser et al. (2004) AJ, 127, 2856
Gliese 866AB
M5 V

2004 Jul 24 120 [ascii] [jpeg] Burgasser et al. (2008) ApJ, 681, 579
Wolf 359
M6 V

2004 Mar 11 120 [ascii] [jpeg] Burgasser et al. (2008) ApJ, 681, 579
VB 8
M7 V

2004 Jul 23 120 [ascii] [jpeg] Burgasser et al. (2008) ApJ, 681, 579
VB 10
M8 V

2003 Sep 19 120 [ascii] [jpeg] Burgasser et al. (2004) AJ, 127, 2856
LHS 2924
M9 V

2004 Mar 12 120 [ascii] [jpeg] Burgasser & McElwain (2006) AJ, 131, 1007

Zip archive of published spectra

Last updated Tue Dec 8 05:11:23 2009 UTC.

Object names, designations, spectral types and 2MASS J magnitudes for any L or T dwarfs listed above were obtained from http://www.dwarfarchives.org, created and maintained by Chris Gelino, Davy Kirkpatrick and Adam Burgasser. All others were compiled from the literature.

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