UCSD/Center for Astrophysics & Space Sciences Press Releases / News Articles

This section contains press releases and selected
news articles related to research at CASS.

Energized Heartbeats May Explain Why
Galaxies Are Continually Stirred Up,
UCSD Researchers Say

Black Hole Mass Boundary Drops Lower
With Two New Lightweights

New Evidence for Dark Dwarf Galaxies
Supports Dark Matter Theory

First Discovery of a Planet Orbiting a Giant Star
X-Rays Limit Mass of Neutrino Dark Matter

Astronomers Unveil First Detection
of Dark Matter Object in the Milky Way

Supercomputer Simulations Provide Details
of Formation of the First Star in the Universe

Shedding Light on the Nature of Dark Energy

Primordial "Heavy Hydrogen" Promotes
Big Bang Theory

Disruptions From Sun's Geomagnetic Storms
Forecast With "Cat Scan" of Solar Wind

Catching Stellar Views

Reconstructing the Very First Star
Cosmology Recapitulates Ontology

Cosmic Laws Like Speed of Light
Might Be Changing, a Study Finds

Center Creates "CAT Scan" of Solar Wind

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Susan Rappoport