University of California, San Diego
Physics 11 - Survey of Physics

H. E. Smith   Fall 2003

Physics 11 - Laboratory

Physics is an Experimental Science. Virtually everything that we believe about the physical Universe is subject to experimental verification. Physics 11 has a laboratory component in which you will perform simple tests of two physical phenomena and verify our description experimentally. Each laboratory exercise is expected to take about 1 hour of preparation, 2 hours of laboratory time, and about 1 hour to write-up the results. The laboratory write-ups will be graded and will comprise 25% of your grade. Sign-ups for laboratory slots will be made the week of October 6 (Week 3) and Labs will begin the week of October 13 (Week 4).


Lab #1 The Great Bomb Drop: Velocity and Acceleration
(Weeks 3-6)
  Lab #2 The Equivalence Principle: Acceleration vs Gravity
(Weeks 7-9)

Schedule: 	T    6:00-8:00 PM  West side of WLH
(Tentative)     Th   4:00-6:00 PM  West side of WLH
                Th   6:00-8:00 PM  West side of WLH

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Gene Smith

Last modified: Thurs., 25 Sep. 2003