Portable Document Format (.pdf Files)

PDF is a file format that preserves the fonts, colors, and graphics of the original file. When you click on the .pdf file link, a download window from your browser will open. Enter the directory path where the .pdf file is to be saved. (For example: /home/computername/username/... wherever you want to put the file being downloaded.)
Look here to learn more about .pdf files.

To read .pdf files, you will need the Adobe Acrobat Reader plug-in, in conjuction with your favorite web browser. You can download the Adobe plug-in at no charge from http://www.adobe.com/support/downloads/main.html . Once the file has been opened using the Acrobat program, it can be sent directly to the printer.

The Adobe Acrobat Reader will work with most commonly used browsers, including Netscape (Macintosh, PC, Unix) and Internet Explorer (Macintosh, PC). The instructions for installing and using the Acrobat reader are on the Adobe page linked above. All UCSD campus computer labs run by ACS have the plug-ins installed.

Page created and maintained by S. Rappoport